MIP, Politecnico di Milano e Politecnico di Torino propongono un master di II livello in apprendistato di alta formazione in partnership con Autostrade per l’Italia (Aspi) in linea con l’obiettivo strategico di creare un programma di formazione ...
Il professore Alberto Guadagnini e la professoressa Monica Riva, del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, hanno preso parte ad una ricerca congiunta con l’Università Tecnica di Berlino, affrontando il tema della filtrazione golenale indotta, un...
A lot of the global land-use changes, unsustainable for the environment, are creating “hotspots”, areas where conditions are ripe for the transmission of coronaviruses from wild animals to humans. This is what emerges from an international study published on Nature...
Professor Alberto Guadagnini and professor Monica Riva of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, took part in a joint research with the Technical University of Berlin, addressing the issue of induced bank filtration, a process for the supply of...
The new brochure of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano is finally on. In it, the laboratories, PhD courses and the various research areas are presented. Moreover, you can find other topics connected with the Department: the...