Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Horizon Magazine: Intervista al professore Alberto Guadagnini

Horizon Magazine: Intervista al professore Alberto Guadagnini

Il professore Alberto Guadagnini del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, intervistato dall’ Horizon Magazine racconta gli obiettivi del progetto REMEDI (Trapping and Removal of X-ray Contrast Medium agents from water resource and stream Sediments- New...
Horizon Magazine: Intervista al professore Alberto Guadagnini

Horizon Magazine: Interview to professor Alberto Guadagnini

Professor Alberto Guadagnini of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, interviewed by Horizon Magazine, talks about the aims of the REMEDI project (Trapping and Removal of X-ray Contrast Medium agents from water resource and stream Sediments- New...