On Wednesday 12nd July, a seminar entitled “A tale of two complementary paradigms for urban water sustainability: A computational fluid dynamics machine learning model of water treatment optimization versus urban recovery/reuse in the circular economy”...
We are glad to announce that our next PhDTalks Seminar will be held on Tuesday 18th July in Room 2.1.3 (Building 2), from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions between PhD students. The events are aimed at providing a place...
On Thursday 13th July, a seminar entitled “Costruire con materiali non convenzionali” held by Massimiliano Milan, CEO of BUROMILAN, will take place in Fassò Room (Building 4a – Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32) at 10:00 CET.
We are glad to announce that our next PhDTalks Seminar will be held on Tuesday 4th July in Fassò Room (Building 4a), from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions between PhD students. The events are aimed at providing a place...
The AMAZING project workshop was held from 5 to 9 June in Biskra M’Chouneche a town in Algeria. AMAZING is a Polisocial project that focuses on the Wadi Abiod valley, one of the driest of the Aurès. The project aims at combining technology and traditional...