Waste and Resources Management
The research group targets the waste and resources management from both the technological and the strategic points ot view, by applying advanced assessment methodologies. Regarding waste management, both municipal solid waste and special waste are research topics. The projects carried out on municipal solid waste include the full hierarchy of the European strategy, from prevention and reuse to material recycling, energy recovery and site final disposal. Major experience has been gathered in the field of packaging waste, of food waste and of the residuai waste. Among special waste, a significant experience on waste electric and electronic equipment as well as on construction and demolition waste was built up in recent years. The topic of resources management is dealt especially considering the environmental sustainability of different consumption choices and waste management systems. Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing are widely used as the main areas, as the research group is also involved in their methodological development at international level. Funding comes from both national and international competitive projects, as well as from direct financing from companies dealing with waste management.
The activities of the research group are described on the page: https://www.aware.polimi.it/