Dipartimento di
Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale

Calendar of Events

L Lun

M Mar

M Mer

G Gio

V Ven

S Sab

D Dom

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DICA4Agenda2030: Il nuovo paradigma di città sostenibile tra tutela del suolo e soluzioni “naturali”

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Investigating nitrate losses and nitrous oxide emissions under varying water tables in artificially drained fields

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DICA4Agenda2030: Meteorologia e Climatologia: Due Facce della stessa Medaglia

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DICA4Agenda2030: Terremoto e Patrimonio Costruito

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DICA4Agenda2030: Acqua e cibo: l’ingegneria nascosta del nostro quotidiano

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3 events,


Earthquake Response: The Case of Turkey and Morocco (2023)


Simulation of concentrated non-Brownian frictional and adhesive suspensions in linear and nonlinear flows


DICA4Agenda2030: Il crollo delle torri gemelle: Ingegneria Strutturale vs. tesi complottiste

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DICA4Agenda2030: Proteggiamo l’oro blu

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2 events,


Overview of LEQUIA’s Adsorption and Drinking Water research lines


DICA4Agenda2030: La simulazione numerica nei film e nei videogiochi

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DICA4Agenda2030: Affrontare il problema PFAS nelle acque per una scelta consapevole

1 event,


Strategies and construction materials to build a more sustainable future

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