Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

PhDTalk | Phase-Field Modeling of Fracture Phenomena in Continuum solids

We are glad to announce that the first PhDTalk Seminar will be held on Tuesday 15th March 2022 in room 5.1.1 from 6.15 pm to 7.15 pm CET. PhDTalk is a series of seminars and discussions between PhD students. The events are aimed at providing a place to network and get in contact with many […]

PhDTalks | Formulation and probabilistic assessment of Diclofenac fate in a soilwater system under uncertainty

We are glad to announce that our next PhDTalks Seminar will be held on Tuesday 20th Semptember in Aula Magna, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 42, from 5:30 pm to 7:15 pm CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions between PhD students. The events are aimed at providing a place to network and get in contact with many of the projects developed in our department. […]

PhDTalks | Metamaterials and topological mechanics for elastic wave control

Our next PhDTalks Seminar will be held on Tuesday 23rd january in Fassò Room (Building 4A), from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm CET.  PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions between PhD students. The events are aimed at providing a place to network and get in contact with many of the projects developed in our department.  Speaker Luca Iorio will talk about “Metamaterials and topological mechanics […]