Uncertainty and Decision-making: Philosophical instruments at the service of Engineering
A seminar entitled: “Uncertainty and Decision-making: Philosophical instruments at the service of Engineering” will be held by Malvina Ongaro (Politecnico di Milano - DICA) on Thursday 28 September from 12.30 […]
Bio e-methane from CO2 and green H2
The appointment with the second cycle of PhDTalks is beginning. The first seminar will take place on Tuesday, October 3rd, in room Fassò (Building 4A), from 4:30 PM to 5:45 […]
Riqualificazione energetica degli edifici: il benessere oltre al green
A conference entitled: "Riqualificazione energetica degli edifici: il benessere oltre al green" will be held on Tuesday 10 October at 11.00 in Aula Magna (Building 1 - p.za Leonardo da […]
Workshop – Tools to deal with future environmental challenges
Visit to the new Environmental Engineering Laboratory - EEL October 16, 2023 - 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Load tests on existing bridges to support safety assessment: state of the art and research perspectives
Martedì 17 settembre dalle ore 15.30 alle ore 16.30 presso l’Aula Fassò (Edificio 4A – p.za Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – Milano) si terrà un seminario dal titolo: “Load tests […]
PhDTalks | Why should we recover P from sewage sludge? How can we get it?
Our next PhDTalks Seminar will be held on Tuesday 17th october in Fassò Room (Building 4A), from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions between PhD students. […]
Creep Buckling Behaviour of Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Arches
A seminar entitled: “Creep Buckling Behavior of Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Arches” will be held on Monday 23 October at 5.00 pm in Grandori Room (Building 4 – p.za Leonardo da […]
Recycled Aggregate Concrete Composite Structures
On Tuesday 24 October at 2.30 pm in Grandori Room (Building 4 – p.za Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – Milan) a seminar entitled: “Recycled Aggregate Concrete Composite Structures” will be […]
Behaviour of CFST Columns with Localized Corrosion Damage
A seminar entitled: “Behavior of CFST Columns with Localized Corrosion Damage” will be held on Tuesday 24 October at 3.30 pm in Grandori Room (Building 4 – p.za Leonardo da […]
Una Metodologia per valutazioni Multi-Hazard e Multi-Rischio a supporto della pianificazione di Protezione Civile: risultati, nodi, prospettive
Mercoledì 25 ottobre dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.30 presso l’Aula Fassò (Edificio 4A – p.za Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – Milano) si terrà un seminario dal titolo: “Una Metodologia […]
Particle based simulations: from nano-chemo-mechanics to structural collapse optimization
A seminar entitled: “Particle based simulations: from nano-chemo-mechanics to structural collapse optimization” will be held by Enrico Masoero (Politecnico di Milano – DICA) on Wednesday 25 October at 12.30 CET […]
Advanced numerical approaches to the modelling of tunnel excavation and construction
The Italian Tunnelling Society (SIG) is promoting specific teaching events all around Italy to disseminate technical and scientific knowledge concerning all the topics related to tunnelling. A first successful event […]