Silicon based micromechanical actuators

On Monday, June 12th, a seminar entitled “Silicon based micromechanical actuators” will take place in Beltrami Room (Building 5 – Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32). The seminar will be given […]

Gustavo Sclocchi Thesis Award

The 30th edition of the “Gustavo Sclocchi Thesis Award“ will take place on Friday 16 June in Aula Magna (Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32). The Thesis Award has provided for […]

Costruire con materiali non convenzionali

On Thursday 13th July, a seminar entitled "Costruire con materiali non convenzionali" held by Massimiliano Milan, CEO of BUROMILAN, will take place in Fassò Room (Building 4a - Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32) […]