LAMPO – Lombardy based Advanced Meteorological Predictions and Observations |Final event
The research project LAMPO – Lombardy-based Advanced Meteorological Predictions and Observations has tested an innovative low-cost system for the short-term forecast of thunderstorms. LAMPO final event intends to present the results obtained.
Webinar with the leading partners of the project Via Libera?!
A project for mapping the accessibility of Municipio 9 in Milan
Workshop on “Strategie per l’uso di risorse idriche non convenzionali nelle città di domani” (strategies for the use of unconventional water sources in future cities)
Auditorium Pascoli Via Pascoli 53, MilanoWorkshop on strategies for a use more sustainable and resilient to water resources’ changes in urban areas. Some interventions are foreseen: Agenzia d’ambito di Milano, Arera, Cap holding Spa, città metropolitana di Milano, Mm Spa, Politecnico di Milano, regione Lombardia.
“Il pianeta che cambia: uno sguardo dall’alto”
The event is addressed to the students of high school.
Seminar “Novel trends on the assessment and management of bridges and structures”
With the presentation of professor José Campos e Matos - University of Minho, Guimarães (Portugal)
GIS4Schools: Geospatial technology for climate change in secondary schools
Webinar organized by Eurisy in the framework of World Space Week 2021.
GIS4Schools: Promoting a new teaching methodology in STEAM subjects
Webinar addressed to professors and students.
Advanced Computing and Big Data
Scientific Committee Seminar @ DICA
Here is the complete program of the seminar “Advanced Computing and Big Data”!
The complete program of the seminar “Advanced Computing and Big Data”, organized by the Scientific Committee of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is online. Read it here. We […]
3rd IWA International Conference on Disinfection and DBPs 2022: call for abstract!
The Call for Abstract related to IWA Conference 2022 is now open.
Announcement for the award entitled to Eng. Giuseppe Grandori for two PhD thesis
Announcement addressed to PhD thesis (year 2021) regarding “Seismic Engineering”
Workshop on the ReSHEALience project: “The contribution of concrete construction industry to the 2050 decarbonization goal”
The H2020 ReSHEALience project, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, comes ashore at EXPO Dubai.