PhDTalks | A downscaling method based on wet spell and analysis of future climate variation under CMIP6 Scenarios in Upper Yangtze River Basin, China
The next event in the PhDTalks series will take place on Tuesday, November 19 in the Grandori Room (Building 4) from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions among PhD students, aiming to provide a space for networking and connecting with the various projects developed within our department. […]
PoliMappers’ First Event of the Academic Year
Friday, November 29, an event titled "PoliMappers' First Event of the Academic Year" will take place in the Fassò Room (Building 4A) starting at 4:30 PM. Below are all the details of the event.: Abstract Are you passionate about mapping, crowdsourcing, and contributing to global humanitarian projects? PoliMappers is excited to invite you to our […]
PhDTalks | Study on toppling resistance of trees and of their effects as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: experimental tests at small-scale and at real-scale & hydrologic probabilistic modelling.
The next appointment in the PhDTalks series will take place on Tuesday, December 3rd in the Fassò lecture hall (Building 4A), from 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions among PhD students. The events aim to provide a space for networking among PhD students and connecting with the […]
Seminar CS⁴ | World Soil Day
The next seminar of the DICA Scientific Commission (CS⁴) will take place on Thursday, December 5th, in Grandori Room (Building 4 – basement floor – Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32), from 14:00 to 17:30 CET. The theme of the seminar will be "World Soil Day". In addition to the distinguished guests Federica Cotecchia (Politecnico di […]
XJTU-PoliMi Dialogues in Civil and Environmental Engineering
On Tuesday, December 10th, at 12:00 CET, the seminar titled "XJTU-PoliMi Dialogues in Civil and Environmental Engineering" will take place on the VooV Meetings platform (for more details on access, please refer to the attached flyer). This initiative is part of the activities developed within the framework of the Joint School of Design and Innovation […]
Locally resonant metamaterials – towards automated design and mass manufacturing
On Friday, January 10th, a seminar will be held in the Fassò Lecture Hall (Building 4A) starting at 2:30 PM, titled:"Locally resonant metamaterials – towards automated design and mass manufacturing". The seminar will be conducted by Dott. Claus Claeys (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). Additionally, the seminar can be attended via Webex at the following link. Abstract: […]
PhDTalks | Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment in Policy Making for Waste Management: the Case Study of Textile Waste in Lombardy
The next appointment in the PhDTalks series will take place on Tuesday, January 21st in Room Fassò (Building 4A), from 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions among PhD students. The events aim to provide a space for networking among PhD students and connecting with the many projects […]
The Impact of Extreme Floods on Infrastucture: Is it just water?
On Thursday, January 23rd, a seminar titled "The Impact of Extreme Floods on Infrastructure: Is it just water?" will be held in the Grandori Room (Building 4) starting at 11:30 AM. The seminar will be conducted by Dr. Davide Wüthrich, Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. The seminar can also be attended […]
PhDTalks | Accelerating Materials Design with Deep Learning: Multiscale Modeling and Inverse Design Strategies
The next appointment in the PhDTalks series will take place on Tuesday, February 4th, in the Fassò Room (Building 4A), from 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions among PhD students. The events aim to provide a space for networking among PhD students and connecting with the many […]
Auxeticity, hierarchy and imperfections in mechanics of living matter
On Friday, February 14th, a seminar will be held in the Grandori Room (Building 4) from 11:30 AM, titled "Auxeticity,hierarchy and imperfections in mechanics of living matter ". The seminar will be held by Prof. Massimiliano Fraldi , Professor of Mechanics of Structures, Nonlinear Mechanics, and Biomechanics at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. […]
PhDTalks | Simulating the effect of Nature-based Solutions as a mitigation tool for Urban Heat Islands
The next appointment in the PhDTalks series will take place on Tuesday, February 18th, in the Fassò Room (Building 4A), from 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM CET. PhDTalks is a series of seminars and discussions among PhD students. The events aim to provide a space for networking among PhD students and connecting with the many […]
XJTU-PoliMi Dialogues in Civil and Environmental Engineering
On Wednesday, February 26th at 12:00 CET, the second event of the "XJTU-PoliMi Dialogues in Civil and Environmental Engineering" series will take place on the Microsoft Teams platform at the following Link. This initiative is part of the activities developed within the Joint School of Design and Innovation between the Politecnico di Milano and Xi'an […]