Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Overview of LEQUIA’s Adsorption and Drinking Water research lines

May 23 @ 14:30 - 16:00

On Thursday, May 23 at 2:30 PM in room PT1 (Building 20), a dissemination and networking seminar will be held as part of the European project safeCREW.

The seminar is titled “Overview of LEQUIA’s Adsorption and Drinking Water research lines“, and it will be presented by Alba Cabrera Codony (Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Girona).


In this presentation, we provide a brief overview of various research topics and ongoing projects that are currently going on in LEQUIA’s labs related to Adsorption technologies and to the Drinking Water Treatment. This includes fixed-bed adsorption models, which are able of capturing the effects of the particle size and molecules diffusion. Also, our research addresses multicomponent competitive adsorption, where the displacement of the weakest adsorbed molecule causes increased concentrations. The Drinking Water Treatment and Digitalization research line at LEQUIA-UdG began nine years ago with Dr. Hèctor Monclús and Prof. Manel Poch leading the efforts, supported by ATL, a major DW supply company. Since its start, the research line has experienced significant growth, securing four major national projects and numerous contracts with the leading DW companies in Catalonia. Three PhD theses have been already completed and four more PhD students are currently in progress, with a total of four receiving industrial support. We will present the main outcomes of this research to date and discuss ongoing work.

Speaker’s bio

Alba Cabrera-Codony is a research fellow at the LEQUIA-UdG dedicated to addressing environmental challenges specialized in Adsorption and AOPs for air, gas and water treatment. Her PhD work focused on optimizing Sequential Adsorption/Oxidation processes for siloxane removal in biogas upgrading. She got a postdoctoral MSCA-TecnioSpring grant to conduct a research stay in Boston (USA) at R&D centre of Cabot Corportation, where she developed innovative adsorbent materials, focusing on indoor air purification applications and photocatalysis. In the last years she has focused on drinking water treatment, collaborating with several treatment plants in Catalonia to study Dissolved Organic Matter characteristics, assess the performance of treatment operations such as AOPs and activated carbon in removing DOM, and evaluate the potential formation of disinfection by-products.


May 23
14:30 - 16:00
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